Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Julien Seveon js97
Tue May 9 06:35:39 EDT 2000

Kiyoshi Kurosawa work has been shown in France during a retrospective held 
by Les Cahiers du Cinema. Soon after two of his movies were released in 
theaters (Cure and Charisma) and the whole press, who doesn't know much 
about Japanese Cinema, start writing articles where Kurosawa was said to be 
the renaissance director of Japanese cinema, the best Japanese diector w/ 
Kitano (of course, they're the only two that these journalists know !) and 
so son.

On a more realistic and knwoleadgeable point of view, I was wondering how 
Kurosawa was seen in Japan : in the press and by the public. Could someone 
give me some informations ?
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