Love & Pop

David Hopkins hopkat
Tue May 9 09:02:56 EDT 2000

Well, I haven't seen the movie or read the book (it's okay to reach for the 
delete button here) but I have to say that, reading your extended quotation, 
I did not have the impression that it represented the author's voice, merely 
the character's, and I hear that "I don't know of any rules, so there aren't 
any" shallow rationalization from students all the time. I would hope that 
Murakami is smarter than this character. I hear reasons not to become a 
prostitute all the time! Disease, violence both physical and emotional, 
inability to relate to other people in a healthy manner, etc. (of course 
these are dangers inherent in any sales job....)
David Hopkins

From: 	Dunn Brian
Sent: 	Tuesday, May 9, 2000 5:55 PM
To: 	KineJapan at
Subject: 	Re: Love & Pop

>In Anno? movie there? absolutely to reaction or criticise about this ?ew 

>form of commerce? Anno seems to follow the common trend in Japan, where
>high school girls selling their body is seen has something completely
>casual (and paedophiles videos are sold in shops in Tokyo completely
>Sure the way Love and Pop was shot is very interesting, but after a while 

>you start being fed up of the camera shot at girl? underwear level. From 

>what I understand Murakami book was much more criticises regarding this

Yes, the book does.  I haven't seen the movie, but I brought up the book.  I 

posted a translated portion of the book yesterday or the day before that
actually deals with Murakami's criticism of society and its apathy towards 

this topic.

So you think the movie doesn't touch on this topic at all?  That's

Anybody else want to comment on this?

Brian Dunn
b1dunn at
University of Washington
Dept. of Asian Languages and Literature

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