Love & Pop

Julien Seveon js97
Wed May 10 04:29:00 EDT 2000

Dunn Brian has really said (but in a much better way) what I, somehow, 
wanted to explain. I don't want to sound like a moralist, I can't stand the 
Hollywood movies for their PC attitude, but when a movie like Love and Pop 
deals with such a subject, accepted by the majority of the Japanese people, 
and doesn't try to make a stand to say "this is wrong" (which is not a 
moralistic stand, but a political stand) I find it really unpleasant.
When something is going wrong in society, I feel it is the duty of an artist 
to take a stand against it.

To answer you question I can't stand Pretty Woman :
1. because it's a pure Hollywwod movies, with all the sweet messages and the 
usual happy end
2. when I saw the movie the prostitution thing didn't really strike me (I 
was too bored by the whole movie to even notice it) but I guess, thinking 
back to it, the whole message of the movie could have been "become a 
prostitute, you'll met a beautiful rich man and live happily ever after". 
Well, that's Holywood's style and I'm not really waiting for a director 
coming from there to make a social or political movie. I know that I will 
not see in such a movie the reality of this "job". Everything is glamourous, 
everybody's nice, the world's perfect : it's Holywood way...

Julien Seveon

>From: Jasper Sharp < at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: "'KineJapan at'"  
><KineJapan at>
>Subject: RE: Love & Pop
>Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 09:36:06 +0200
> >With Love and Pop we're dealing with the same question, can someone 
> >movie about high school prostitution without denouncing it ? I find it
> >intolerable to just watch a movie on such a story and find out that the
> >director doesn't express his feelings on the subject.
>What did you think of 'Pretty Woman'?

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