Fwd: Cannes FIPRESCI Awards

Aaron Gerow gerow
Wed May 24 21:43:13 EDT 2000

For those curious, the YIDFF office forwarded me FIPRESCI's official 
announcement of its award to _Eureka_ at Cannes.  While I have noticed 
that FIPRESCI awards can seemingly be influenced by the consitution of 
the jury (with a member helping back a film from that member's country, 
etc.), there was no jury member from Japan this time.

>From: "Klaus Eder" <keder at fipresci.org>
>To: "FIPRESCI Mailing List" <keder at fipresci.org>
>Subject: Cannes FIPRESCI Awards
>Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 14:31:31 +0200

> FIPRESCI informs
> At the Cannes International Film Festival
> (France, May 10-21, 2000)
> the Prize of the International Film Critics
> (FIPRESCI Prize)
> has been presented to
> A. Official Selection:
>  "Eureka" by Shinji AOYAMA (Japan, 2000),
>  "for its penetrating insights into the lives
>  of survivors of a tragedy, for the formal beauty
>  of the photography, and for the moving performances".
> B. Parallal Sections:
>  "Zamani baray$B;(Bmasti asbha"
>  (Un temps pour l'ivresse des chevaux)
>  (no English title available)
>  by Bahman Ghobadi (Iran, 2000),
>  for "its compassionate but rigorous depiction
>  of a harsh reality where horses and humans
>  share the same predicament."
> Print sources
>  "Eureka":
>  Wild Bunch (Le Studio Canal +),
>  47, rue Dumont d'Urville, F-75116 Paris,
>  T +33-1-, F +33-1-,
>  Email vmaraval at canal-plus.com.
>  "Zamani baray$B;(Bmasti asbha":
>  MK2 Diffusion,
>  55 rue Traversi$B=S(Be, F-75012 Paris,
>  T +33-1-, F +33-1-,
>  Email mk2 at mk2.com.
> The jury has been composed of
> David Stratton (Australia, president),
> Jannike Ahlund (Sweden),
> Peter von Bagh (Finland),
> Alexis Grivas (Greece/Mexico),
> John Harkness (Canada),
> Stephen Locke (Germany),
> Yves Thoraval (France),
> Bruno Torri (Italy),
> Dinko Tucakovic (Yugoslavia).
> Secretary: Philippe J. Maarek (France).
> Regards
> Klaus Eder
> Klaus Eder
> F$B;E;S(Bation Internationale de la Presse Cin$B;N(Batographique
> Schleissheimer Strasse 83
> D-80797 Munich
> T +49-89-18.23.03, +49-172-850.53.02
> F +49-89-18.47.66
>      keder at fipresci.org

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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