Amsterdam Cult Video Retail Shops

Julien Seveon js97
Wed May 31 06:37:30 EDT 2000

Thank you very much, Jasper for all these informations ! I'll be sure to 
check all these stores when I'll be in Amsterdam. I've heard so many times 
that Holland is the place to go for records and videos that I can't wait to 
get there.


Julien S?v?on

>From: Jasper Sharp < at>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: "'KineJapan at'"  
><KineJapan at>
>Subject: Amsterdam Cult Video Retail Shops
>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 12:14:42 +0200
>Here's a brief list of some of the better retail shops in Amsterdam that I
>know of:
>Cultvideotheek, Amstel 47, metrostation Waterlooplein, opposite the city
>hall/opera house. (apparently  Quentin Tarantino is their most notorious
>client. He rented
>three chop socky videos here when he was in Amsterdam about four years ago
>and never returned them...)
>Silver Screen, Harlemmerdijk (not sure of the number)
>There's a big(gish) record shop at the end of Haringpakkerssteeg, about 100
>meters on the right heading down Damrak from Central Station with a very
>impressive video section.
>Fame Records, on Dam Square used to have a very impressive selection of DVD
>imports until they were told not to. They still have an extensive selection
>of European Zone 2s.
>As for video rental places- Movie Centre have about 5 branches dotted 
>the city, and all of them have an amazing selection (though Ferdinand
>Bolstraat's is the best). Check the website for more details (in Dutch, but
>fairly obvious):
>And finally, for mail order, Hollands most contribution to Japanese video
>distribution in Europe is Japan Shock Video:
>Hope this helps somebody!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Julien Seveon [mailto:js97 at]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:48 PM
>To: KineJapan at
>Subject: RE: self-introduction
>Could you give me some good adresses of video shops regarding Asian movies
>(and maybe EuroCult movies) in Holland (especially Amsterdam) as I'll be
>going there for my vacation ? Thank you very much if you can help me !
>Julien Seveon
> >From: Jasper Sharp < at>
> >Reply-To: KineJapan at
> >To: "'KineJapan at'"
> ><KineJapan at>
> >Subject: RE: self-introduction
> >Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 15:37:29 +0200
> >
> >Welcome to the mailing list Janet.
> >
> >Having grown up in Devon myself I appreciate the concern with the
> >availability of less populist cinema on video - a problem in Britain in
> >general. Even London only gets about 5 new Japanese films a year (mainly 
> >the Institute of Contemporary Arts). I think even the films of major
> >directors such as Juzo Itami (aside from his film 'Tampopo') get any sort
> >of
> >theatrical or video release in the UK, and outside of the 'classic'
> >directors such as Ozu, Kurosawa, and Mizoguchi, current arthouse darlings
> >such as Takeshi Kitano, and a handful of Godzilla movies, Japanese cinema
> >is
> >virtually unknown.
> >
> >It is ironic that my interest in Japanese film stemmed from moving to
> >Holland, where the video shops freely stock videos imported from the rest
> >of
> >the Benelux countries, France and even Hong Kong (undoubtedly the widest
> >source of availability of current Japanese film). A far cry from
> >Blockbusters!
> >
> >Regards
> >
> >Jasper Sharp
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: J Rand [mailto:axis at]
> >Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 10:32 AM
> >To: Kinejapan
> >Subject: self-introduction
> >
> >
> >I am a new subscriber to Kinejapan.  Currently I am undertaking a Masters
> >Degree at Exeter University in the History of Cinema and Popular Culture
> >and
> >am writing my dissertation on Japanese cinema concentrating on the films 
> >Yasujiro Ozu.
> >
> >As a single parent living on Dartmoor in Devon (beautiful but not very
> >multi-cultural) it has not always been easy to see alternative cinema to
> >the
> >mainstream.  I have always had an interest in cinema that falls outside 
> >American realist mould and have found over the years that I have
> >particularly enjoyed the spatial quality and pacing in both Japanese and
> >Chinese films (that I have been able to view).  I did manage to attend 
> >Ozu retrospective at the National a couple of years ago which I really
> >enjoyed. When I have finished this degree I am hoping to continue to
> >explore
> >the way in which Japanese cinema developed and has been marketed in this
> >country.
> >
> >In my experience it is not easy to view any alternative cinema outside of
> >the art house theatres and it is the difficulties for this and the 
> >that I am looking into at the current time.
> >
> >I am also trying to get hold of a copy of Ozu's An In in Tokyo with 
> >sub-titles - if anyone has any ideas I would be grateful.
> >
> >Janet
> >
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