Fwd: Call for Papers: Japanese Theatre
Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow
Wed Nov 15 03:30:59 EST 2000
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From: Carol Rennie <EASCRP at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk>
Apologies for cross postings.
Call for papers
International Symposium on Japanese Theatre in the 21st Century
2-7 July 2001, The University of Edinburgh and the Royal Museum of Scotland
The symposium is part of the series of Japan 2001events promoting Japanese
culture in the UK, and follows on from the international symposium on
Japanese Theatre in the World, held in May 1998 at Edinburgh's twin city,
Munich. Its aim is to bring together performers, scholars and members of
the local community concerned with Japanese theatre. Presentations and
performances on the theme of Japanese Theatre in the Twenty-first Century
should focus on traditional and modern genres and contemporary approaches
to understanding them intellectually, expressing them on stage and
appreciating them from the audience viewpoint.
Papers in English or Japanese are invited in the following areas:
- Zeami's F?shi kaden (1400-2000): its rediscovery in the 20th century and
impact on the 21st century
- Multimedia and Japanese theatre
- Japanese theatre on the international scene: its influence and effects
Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted to the Conference
Secretary, Carol Rennie, at: JapanTheatre at ed.ac.uk
Mailing address:
Japanese Theatre in the 21st Century,
Centre for Japanese Studies
School of Asian Studies
8 Buccleuch Place
Fax: +44 131 651 1258
Japanese language abstracts should be submitted by fax or mail rather than
Proposals for panels on aspects of the symposium theme, performance
workshops, posters and other alternative presentations are also welcome.
Panels may be composed of up to three presenters and a discussant. Panel
proposals should include the title of the panel, abstracts from each
participant (as above) and a 250-word statement explaining the panel as a
whole. Proposals for performance workshops, posters and other alternative
presentations should consist of a 300-word outline of the subject and
details of the equipment and facilities required.
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