ghost dog/crouching tiger hidden dragon

d. freire drainer
Wed Feb 14 22:52:02 EST 2001

  ----- Original Message -----
From: "c. jacqui chen" <jacqui_chen at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: ghost dog/crouching tiger hidden dragon
>It's this difference,
>the shock of feeding something sacredly Chinese and Chinese cinema through
>a hybridized process (in both symbols and dollars) that gets the war room
>going. It does seem these conversations are converging on the good old
>us-them definitions.

   The formulaic approach, the camera work, the thematic aspects... those
are that things that make it compatible with Hollywood. Whatever is left
myths and stories come off as poorly presented seriousness (the people at
the theater surely seemed to find it laughable - sadly).

> As mentioned at the start of
> my rant, to Asian cinema fandom it is in fact that other technology
> in CTHD that pronounces it a traitor, a westernized sellout, of the
martial arts genre.
> So to each his own...
> Jacqui

   It certainly tries.

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