New Kore-eda film?

Junko Tanaka junkotanaka
Thu Feb 15 12:37:19 EST 2001

I've found _DISTANCE_ introduced in a recent free magazine so apparently
there's some information available for the press. This film centers two
important actors in _After Life_, ARATA and Iseya Yusuke, and has powerful
supporting actors - Terajima Susumu and Asano Tadanobu (!). ARATA's
real-life girlfriend Ryo (who's a model/actress) is also in it.

I've wondered about what Koreeda has been doing for the last few years
(hiding, or touring film festivals?), but just learned that he did some
commercials for Suntory (the "Natchan" soft drink) and Nissan (the "New
Serena" series), which must have given him good money for filmmaking.

Junko Tanaka, Tokyo

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