Tokyo Zance...?

Curtis Tsui curtis
Mon Jan 8 18:43:42 EST 2001

There's going to be a free screening of a film called TOKYO ZANCE on 
Jan. 10 (Wednesday) at 7:30pm at the Screening Room in New York 
City....and can anyone tell me if this is worth going to?  I'm 
generally open to anything free, but at the same time I'm kind of 
busy these days so I don't want to toss away two hours if I can help 

The tagline is "7 directors, 7 stories, 1 city...creates a sexy 
chaos" and it's from Tsunku Town Films.

Any info would be appreciated!

Curtis Tsui
The Criterion Collection
210 East 52nd Street
5th Floor
New York, NY  10022
PHONE:  (212) 756-8822 x 210
FAX:  (212) 756-8850

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