Fwd: Fellowship: Intl. Dissertation Field Research SSRC
Aaron Gerow
Sun Jul 1 21:17:51 EDT 2001
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From: H-Announce <H-Announce at h-net.msu.edu>
H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine
Discussion Networks Reviews Teaching Academic Announcements Job Guide
H-Net Announcement International Dissertation Field Research
Fellowship Program
Grant Deadline: 2001-11-05
Date Submitted: 2001-06-27
Announcement ID: 127936
The program is open to full-time graduate students in the social
sciences and humanities - regardless of citizenship - enrolled in
doctoral programs in the United States. The Program invites proposals
for field research on all areas or regions of the world, as well as
research that is comparative, cross-regional and/or cross-cultural.
Proposals that identify the U.S. as a case for comparative inquiry are
welcome; however, proposals that require no field research outside the
U.S. are not eligible. Applicants must have completed all Ph.D.
requirements except the fieldwork component by the time the fellowship
begins or by December 2002, whichever comes first.
This year's application deadline is November 5, 2001. Please note that
this is not a postmark deadline.
Standard fellowships will provide support for nine months in the
field, including travel expenses, but they will not exceed $16,000. In
some cases the candidate may propose less than nine months of field
work, but no award will be given for less than six months of field
work. For further information, please contact idrf at ssrc.org or consult
our website at www.ssrc.org.
Social Science Research Council
810 Seventh Ave.
New York, NY 10019
Email: idrf at ssrc.org
Visit the Grant website at http://www.ssrc.org
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to H-Net Webstaff. H-Net reproduces announcements that have been
submitted to us as a free service to the academic community. If you
are interested in an announcement listed here, please contact the
organizers or patrons directly. Though we strive to provide accurate
information, H-Net cannot accept responsibility for the text of
announcements appearing in this service.
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