eroticism in the Japanese cinema

Julien Seveon js97 at
Mon Jun 18 21:10:46 EDT 2001

In French try "Le Cinéma Japonais au Présent" by Max Tessier, which features 
some interesting articles on the subject (although a little bit dated).
In English you can find "Eros in Hell" by Jack Hunter and, although it has 
been heavily criticised on this forum, I highly recommend Thomas Weisser 
encyclopedia on the subject "The Sex Film" (available through Asian Cult 
Cinema, check their websites at

Julien Sévéon

>From: pgedalge at (pierre gedalge)
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at
>Subject: eroticism in the Japanese cinema
>Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 18:29:59 +0200 (MET DST)
>Dear Kinejapaners,
>I am a student in a computer engineering school (the UTC in France), but
>fortunately I have sometimes the opportunity to study on subjects not 
>linked to
>computers. Therefore I decided to work on "eroticism in the Japanese 
>Could you recommend some movies or books (in English or French) about this
>subject? All suggestions are welcome.
>Many thanks.
>                Pierre Gedalge

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