Pordenone Silent Film Festival
Stephen Cremin
Sat Jun 23 22:04:21 EDT 2001
The Pordenone Silent Film Festival (13-20 October 2001) in Italy is devoted
to Japanese cinema this year. I'm trying to get the two-page press release
in text format so I can email it to the list. I've never attended but,
judging by last year's catalogue, it's quite a large festival.
This year's programme is curated by Komatsu Hiroshi in collaboration with
the Japan Film Centre (National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) and will be
screening many rare films including five minutes of MAPLE VIEWING
(Momiji-gari) from 1899 and ninety-four minutes of Ito Daisuke's CHUJI'S
TRAVEL DIARY (Chuji Tabi Nikki) from 1927 as well as classics of Makino
Shozo, Makino Masahiro, Ishida Tamizo, Suzuki Shigeyoshi, etc, and a benshi
performance of Futagawa Buntaro's OROCHI. My understanding is that the
festival likes to curate in the very loose sense of that word: throwing as
many films as possible at the audience and letting them decide what is
I imagine the festival will be preparing both English and Italian
translations of intertitles for many silent films in Mr Drew's collection.
Anyway, list members should put this one in their diary.
>From: ReelDrew at aol.com
>To: kinejapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: translation help needed for Japanese silents
>Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 15:35:05 EDT
>I am a film historian based in the United States. I very much need to have
>the intertitles of Japanese silent films of the 1920s and 1930s in my video
>collection translated into English. If any subscribers to KineJapan would be
>willing to help me with my research project by providing translations, I will
>send them copies of these films.
>William M. Drew
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