self-introduction & some questions

Ray Edgar r.edgar
Mon Mar 26 03:32:05 EST 2001

dear alexy
have you read ian buruma's 'a japanese mirror'? it discusses this theme
extensively and is a great read.
good luck with your thesis

Ray Edgar
Hotei Publishing
Zoeterwoudsesingel 56
2313 EK Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)71-566 3190
Fax: +31-(0)71-566 3191

> ----------
> From: 	=%koi8-r?B?4czFy9PFyiDt1c7J0M/X?=
> Reply To: 	KineJapan at
> Sent: 	Saturday, 24 March 2001 12:23 AM
> To: 	kinejapan at
> Subject: 	self-introduction & some questions
> Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm glad to join the list. I'm
> student/journalist from Moscow, Russia (so, please, excuse my English),
> and i'm in process of writing the diploma called "Theme of Death in Japan
> mass-culture", based entirely on japan film & animation of last twenty
> years (subjects that are most common to russian reseachers & viewers --
> there are plenty of otaky in Moscow, and japan embassy did a good work in
> representing japan film industry to russians; other artefacts (i.e. manga
> books, pop music, etc.) are very hard to find -- and hard to analyse as
> well). And the language barrier is obviously exits -- I don't speak/read
> Japanese and neither most of russian critics/researchers are. So: films
> and the representation of death. 
> I failed to find any books devoted to this very theme, though a huge
> research by Maurice Pinguet "Voluntary Death in Japan" (Pinguet was a
> friend and close assosiate to Bart & Foucalt) proves to be rather useful.
> More or less, I need somehow  to describe the way japan films represents
> death-related things and to explain why they represent them this very way.
> Hard-to-do one, isn't it? I'm still in the beginning of the way, and got
> very few ideas about the subject (which I'll nevertheless post later), so
> any comments and suggestions for my work are highly appreciated. 
> Alexey Mounipov

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