Imamura's Warm Water Under a Red Bridge

Don Brown the8thsamurai
Mon Nov 5 01:15:41 EST 2001

Can't say I've seen this one yet (yet to be released in Osaka), but despite 
Mike's eloquent defense of the film the subject matter still appears to be 
the creation of a repressed middle-aged (male) imagination.  Still, it's 
strangely reassuring to know that shoddy projection is not only the 
preserve of Osaka cinemas.   
  However, I did catch Shinozaki Makoto's "Wasurerarenu Hitobito/Not 
Forgotten" a couple of weeks ago.  Meant to write something on it a while 
back, but the list has been fairly dead recently.  Has anyone had a chance 
to see this yet?  If so, what did you think?  I'll reserve comment until 
someone shows an interest in this thread, but I will say that it was the 
first film in quite a while to get the old tear ducts working.
Don Brown

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