Bad review

Aaron Gerow gerow
Sun Aug 11 22:27:03 EDT 2002

Ah well, just when you want everyone to forget your mistake, everyone 
wants to talk about it...

But I do want to thank those who sent messages of encouragement both 
publically and privately, and do take to heart some of the advice people 

It was a silly mistake, but having climbed Mt. Fuji the day before 
without having gotten over jet lag, I was probably operating at about 40% 
normal brain capacity that day. 

Since someone brought it up, perhaps I have to say something about citing 
a person's name in the original mail. First, I have really no idea that 
the author of the review was that person and I do think that person (and 
the students) is probably too good a scholar to write such a petty 
review. Mentioning these people was both mere speculation and an 
expression of "who knows who it could be, it could even be these unlikely 
people." Second, to this date I have only heard of this class using my 
article in an academic context in Japan. Given the author's insistence on 
academic worth, I naturally had to think of this one case as a possible, 
though unlikely spot.

But in the end, I feel uncomfortable having to defend what were, after 
all, private thoughts. I would just prefer people forget about the matter 
and leave the list to better subjects, such as some of the issues Michael 
Wood opened up at the end of his note.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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