yoko ono's films

Miles Wood diabolik
Thu Aug 15 23:35:28 EDT 2002

Re: yoko ono's films

From: Anne McKnight
>>...Satan's Bed, a kind of jaxploitation film, in which she plays a mail
order bride.  Its companion, Scare Their Pants Off, sounds deliciously
tasteless, kind of an Andy Warhol romp.  I mean I knew her voice had range,
with its proto-noise free flights & dry heaving and all, but I never knew
about the camp dimension.  Both films are available on DVD on Image
Entertainment with lots of dishy trailers.

I highly recommend this DVD. SATAN'S BED is a must-see for exploitation film
afficianado's though it's companion feature SCARE THEIR PANTS OFF (directed
by Barry Mahon, whose films make most so-called "bad movies" seem like
CITIZEN KANE) can safely be avoided by everyone.


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