Kinema Club II: Conference on Japanese Film and TV
Mark Nornes
Mon Aug 5 20:43:35 EDT 2002
Date: May 29-June 1, 2003
Place: East West Center, Honolulu, Japan
Coordinators: Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto (NYU) & A. M. Nornes (UM)
Proposal Deadline: October 1, 2002
Registration Fee: (See below)
Official Conference Languages: English and Japanese (See below)
At the 1999 Kinema Club workshop in Ann Arbor, it was clear to all
participants that there was a pressing need for people working on
Japanese film and television to meet each other and share their work. To
this end, we will hold a major conference in Hawai'i next spring. Papers
on all aspects of moving image media are welcome. Groups may also
propose preconstituted panels. The official conference languages are
English and Japanese, so papers may be presented in either language.
Place: As an experiment, we will hold the conference at the Imin
Conference Center of the East West Center (
cc.asp), instead of relying on a university host. Hopefully, this will
enable scholars in Japan to easily attend. However, it also necessitates
a registration fee to pay for room rentals.
Cost: We will split the cost against the number of attendees, so we
cannot provide a precise figure until the schedule is set in October.
Our best estimate is $50 or less. (Hawai'i residents may attend for
free, unless they present papers.)
Housing: The East West Center has comfortable accommodations in Lincoln
Hall, next door to the conference center. Cost: $49 a night (tax-free).
For those on a tight budget, it may be possible to stay in a student
dorm called Hale Manoa (single: $26; double: $35 with shared
bathrooms). Information on making reservations will be made available
when the schedule is announced in October. The EWC is in Manoa Valley,
next to the University of Hawai'i; for those who want to be closer to
the beach, low budget hotels in Waikiki start at around $80 and go up
from there.
Applying: Send an abstract or preconstituted panel proposal (with
abstracts) to the conference coordinators by email (amnornes at ;
mitsuyoshimoto at Deadline is October 1. The schedule will be
announced shortly thereafter. Upon acceptance, a pre-registration fee of
$50 will be required; if the total cost of the conference is less, the
difference will be refunded in Hawai'i.
Kinema Club:
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