Introduction and feedback request

David Kalischer tigre at
Thu Jan 10 20:19:48 EST 2002

   Happy New Year. I have just joined kinejapan and currently in the process
of presenting a dissertation on Japanese "Tokusatsu" or special effects
films to the University of Sheffield .In the dissertation, I will make a
point that the issue of nuclear radiation and the threat of nuclear arms
leading to the final war, is treated quite differently in non-Japanese
(mostly US) films compared to Japanese films. In this regard, I would like
to have your opinion on the issue and with your permission, include your
viewpoints in my dissertation.First, I would like to know if such a message
as mine is allowed on this bulletin board as it concerns non-Japanese films
as well although these will becompared to Japanese films. Also, how long can
a posted message be? I would like to post a much longer message to the board
to include my views and ask for your feedback. Please inform me as to how
long a posting should be.

David Kalischer

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