Welcome (was Re: Self- Introduction)

Michael E Kerpan Jr kerpan at attglobal.net
Wed Jul 17 19:46:11 EDT 2002

On Wednesday 17 July 2002 15:35, daaimah mubashshir wrote:

> I became interested in this list serve through some recent reading about
> Yasujiro Ozu 's work.  I had been looking for prints of his work in the us
> for a job.  I found the Kine Japan website and became interested in more
> Japanese Films.  I am so excited to be apart of the discussions that you
> might be having on this topic.

Always glad to see another Ozu fan come aboard.  I hope that, as Ozu's 100th 
birthday draws nearer (next year _already_), his films will start appearing 
at university and museum film series, etc. much more often.  Although I've 
seen 20 of his films on video, I've never been fortunate enough to see even 
one film at a theater.

Michael Kerpan
(now in Boston -- but a Chicago resident for almost 16 years)

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