Self- Introduction

daaimah mubashshir daaimah at
Wed Jul 17 15:35:03 EDT 2002

hello all...

My name is Daaimah Mubashshir and I am a recent graduate from the School of 
the Art Institute of Chicago, concentrating in film video and sound.  I am 
became interested in this list serve through some recent reading about 
Yasujiro Ozu 's work.  I had been looking for prints of his work in the us 
for a job.  I found the Kine Japan website and became interested in more 
Japanese Films.  I am so excited to be apart of the discussions that you 
might be having on this topic.

look forward to hearing from you all.
best regards

Daaimah Mubashshir
1427 W. Farwell #3S
Chicago, IL 60626
773-262-3020 hm

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