Eizo Riron, Eizo Bunken, Animation Kenkyukai (J)

drainer@mpinet.net drainer
Sun Jun 30 21:29:40 EDT 2002

  Just go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and check on the updates.
Once you're there, there should be an option to download "language packs,"
and within that hierarchy you should select "Japanese Language Support /
Global IME" (it will say something like that, at least...) and download it.
After that, your Outlook Express as well as Internet Explorer should be able
to display Kanji and kana.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Gerow" <gerow at ynu.ac.jp>
To: "KineJapan" <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: Eizo Riron, Eizo Bunken, Animation Kenkyukai (J)

> >I was wondering what I should do to access these messages (I
> >assume they're in Japanese)? I haveXp on my computer (operating system
> >also for word processing).
> The question was addressed to me, but since I don't know the answer, I
> was hoping someone in the know could provide the answer, off or on list.
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
> KineJapan list owner
> For list commands: send "information kinejapan" to
> listserver at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Kinema Club: http://pears.lib.ohio-state.edu/Markus/Welcome.html

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