Kawase Naomi's site

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow at angel.ne.jp
Tue May 14 21:53:50 EDT 2002


I don't have time to look up the particulars, but there have been a 
number of directors who have been involved in script or film practice 
workshops, especially ones centered in a locality. Ishii Sogo, for 
instance, has been involved in a Fukuoka workshop for some time, from 
which a couple scripts have seen production, and I think Agata Morio has 
helped out with a similar workshop in Hakodate. Also note that several 
directors have their own production companies (like Sakamoto Junji's 
Kino) and then there was the Director's Company in the 1980s. For film 
schools, beyond Nihon Eiga Gakko (Imamura's school now headed by Sato 
Tadao), the new Eiga Bigakko is mostly the product of directors and 
critics. In some ways, it is the extension of the Athenee Francais 
cinematheque and Eurospace. One can say that the people who teach 
there--Aoyama, Kurosawa, Shinozaki, Zeze, Takahashi, Shiota, etc.--almost 
form a "school" or "group" in the Japanese film scene.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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