Emperor Tomato Ketchup, redux.

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 8 13:28:32 EDT 2002

As the one who started this thread in a search for English subtitles for
Terayama's film, I'm eager to find out what you mean by the subtitles surely
being on irc/usenet.  Could you explain how to access this trove subtitles
at irc or usenet?  What precisely are you referring to?

Your help is much appreciated.


> From: drainer at mpinet.net
> Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 12:09:06 -0400
> To: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Subject: Re: Emperor Tomato Ketchup, redux.
> Did you also try http://www.5minutesonline.com/EMPERORTOMATOVHS.htm ?
> They have it for $20 and are located in Atlanta. No subtitles though, but if
> you look on irc or usenet, I am sure you can find them (they're there, it
> just takes patience).
> Or you can just buy the film and play the Stereolab CD in the background...
> -df

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