Ring remake
giome at arobas.net
Sat Oct 19 17:05:54 EDT 2002
The interview he did with KFC Cinema can be found here:
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Cremin <asianfilmlibrary at mac.com>
To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Ring remake
> From talking to invariably frustrated Korean and Japanese buyers, I get
>the impression that Western sales agents aren't really tuned in to what
>sells in Asia. I'm probably looking at things too simplistically, but
>there seems to be patterns such as the "beautiful boy" factor which
>must triple the value of Japanese sales. But Western films tend to hit
>these buttons more by accident than design. And with, say, a Hong Kong
>film with Japanese locations and stars, the producer is more often
>trying to bring a fashionable Japanese flavour to the film to boost the
>domestic box office. Japanese distribution is a secondary concern.
>Columbia Tristar has gone to the other extreme. Funding Asian movies
>whose primary target is the local audience, but with international
>distribution down the line. They're still trying to find the winning
>formula, and other companies are following in their steps. Columbia
>have been largely hands off artistically, giving directors free reign
>outside casting and script approval. But casting has been the major
>weakness of these films to date; in particular the token foreign
>actors. But these are presumably teething problems and next year's
>crop looks more hopeful.
>There's been several articles profiling Roy Lee recently: Variety,
>Screen International, Los Angeles Times ... even Kentucky Fried Cinema
>website. He doesn't understand any Asian languages. Seems very much
>the right guy at the right time with the right Hollywood connections.
>Apparently, he gets a lot of hate mail from Asian film fans.
>On Sunday, October 20, 2002, at 01:38 AM, jeffrey isaacs wrote:
>> From: jeffrey isaacs <jdi1 at midway.uchicago.edu>
>Date: Sun Oct 20, 2002 1:38:39 AM Etc/GMT
>To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Ring remake
>Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Just heard a very good 5 minute story put together by Beth Accomando
>for PRI's The World radio program on the release of Ring remake which
>attributes Ring and a dozen other Asian film remakes (that many?) to
>producer Roy Lee. Did anyone catch the piece on the radio? Can anyone
>tell more about Roy Lee?
>The PRI story claimed that Asian films are perfect for remake by
>Hollywood because they are in familiar genres and because studio execs
>get to look at "fully realized product" before having to decide if it'd
>'work' - meaning, I gather, if it would work for American audiences.
>The story goes on to discuss the changes made to adapt Ring for
>One of the producers for Ring remake described the Japanese original as
>ambiguous, vague, having clues that don't match up. The makers of the
>new version have apparently fixed that problem and have "turned an
>inexplicable horror into a detective story." I only watched the
>Japanese film once (Ring gekijyo kanzenban, I think it was) but it
>seemed to me to be tightly organized and to adhere to Hollywood's rules
>for narrative clarity. It was certainly no more confounding than an
>episode of X-files - with which it seems to share an aesthetic of
>perpetually postponed resolution and, of course, both are set up as
>serials - which, I gather, Ring remake is not. Interestingly, the
>director of Ring remake, Gore Verbinski, said he tried to give the
>"false feeling" that the narrative moves forward. Doesn't it?
>The radio story ended with a comment on the reaction of a Japanese film
>industry representative who supposedly described the Hollywood remake
>as "very good, very scary, very American." I interpret the very
>American comment as a good indication that Ring remake will not be very
>well received in Japan - not because Japanese audiences don't like
>American films, clearly they do.
>People on this list have commented on the strategic use of recognizable
>actors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea in Japanese film and vice-versa
>to make films appeal to audiences in more than one country.
>In listening to the story, it occurred to me that despite the fact that
>everyone knows that audiences outside of the US contribute a lot
>towards the earnings of US-made films, those people actually making the
>films in Hollywood don't seem to give sufficient weight to
>international audiences when they are planning their films. Maybe it is
>only Asian audiences that are under recognized?
>For those of you who know the nuts and bolts of how Hollywood films are
>planned and made, I ask, could this possibly be true? Doesn't some
>financial forecaster chime in with, "make it resemble the Japanese
>original in tone a little more and you can count on $15mil extra from
>Japanese rentals"? Maybe this is a secret known only to the agents for
>Jean Reno and Steven Segal? Or, is the potential profit too
>insignificant to make it worth raising in a Hollywood pre-production
>You can listen to the PRI story at http://www.theworld.org (October 18
>show) - but it appears that PRI's The World shows are available on-line
>for only a week.
>Jeff Isaacs
>Ph.D. student, University of Chicago
>Instructor, Yokohama City University
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