Khash Najib
najibjp at yahoo.co.jp
Mon Sep 2 14:08:45 EDT 2002
Jonathan wrote:
> might we not see the
> production schedule and the current slew of media
> glorifying the CIA and
> American militarism as anticipating the new American
> unilateralism?
What about Japan? Do you know of any slated productions
that might be considered as going along with the
government ’s steps toward increasing Japan's military
involvement in international conflicts?
--- "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at gol.com> からのメッセー
> Without delving too far into conspiracy theory,
> might we not see the
> production schedule and the current slew of media
> glorifying the CIA and
> American militarism as anticipating the new American
> unilateralism? Such a
> view would refreshingly not assume 9-11 to be the
> world-altering event so
> many like to see it as. This would also conform to
> a historical sense of
> tendency over episode discussed by Virilio in his
> pertinent essay on war and
> cinema, A Travelling Shot over Eighty Years.
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 0 0 0
> Jonathan M. Hall
> Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
> 301 Wieboldt Hall
> University of Chicago
> 1050 E. 59th Street, Chicago IL 60637
> 1-773-834-8346 office tel./messages
> 1-773-834-1323 fax
> jmhall at uchicago.edu
> --
> From: Ted Mills <mills at rain.org>
> Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 19:58:38 -0700
> To: KineJapan <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Subject: Re: Terror/Horror
> On 8/27/02 5:31 AM, "Khash Najib"
> <najibjp at yahoo.co.jp> done said:
> > 1- I don't know how statistically sound my
> observation is,
> > but I have noticed a decline in the American
> "catastrophy
> > movie" phenomenon (volcanos, earthquakes,
> floods...) since
> > September 11. Do people here agree with me?
> You're forgetting "Signs," which features a nicely
> rendered view of "the end
> of the world" as seen from a family locked up in a
> farmhouse.
> Regardless, I think it's a bit early, as others have
> said, to examine
> current themes with the release schedule the way it
> is.
> Ted Mills
> Santa Barbara, CA "From new
> transmitters
> Stoopid ol' USA come old
> stupidities"
> >>mills at rain.org<< -
> Bertolt Brecht
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> Pizzicato Five
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