jeffrey neville detsamurai
Wed Sep 11 17:30:19 EDT 2002

I do not believe AUDITION (1999) is misogynistic at all. The film takes 
virtually no stand in its survey of the relationship between men and women 
throughout Japanese history. Though he and his partner look down on women 
throughout the film through their actions Aoyama is not an evil man. Asami 
is not an evil woman though she commits the crimes she does. The two people 
are alone. The only place in the film where commentary could be struck is 
the juxtaposition between the misogynistic actions of Aoyama and his partner 
and Aoyama's son who throughout the film is interested and studies 
dinosaurs. One can draw a parallel between the two. As far as the people 
that walked out on the film it is their loss. This is a wonderful film 
warning or no warning.

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