acting styles

Michael Fitzhenry michael.fitzhenry
Wed Sep 25 03:16:56 EDT 2002

   Hi, while my information is scanty to say the least, there are two 
books (volume one and two) entitled _Eiga Ai_ that focus on particular 
(contemporary to the early 1990s) directors (vol 1) and actors (vol 2). 
I think if you read the "inteviews" you will find a range of pedagogical 
structures described there, and that includes study of method acting 
having formed a pedagological basis for some actors. One of the 
directors in vol.1 for example spoke of his early training as an actor 
with the Red Tent, and later affiliations with (is it Suzuki's?) Black 
Tent. Another link perhaps is to look for information about particular 
actors graduating from Suzuki's _Waseda shogekijo_, known for producing 
'realist actors.' Many of the actors associated with the 1970s 
experimental theatre movement (what David Goodman called the 
'post-shingeki movement') also became film actors. Terayama Shuji's band 
of actor's is an example of 'other acting styles' being employed, Oshima 
Nagisa used Kara Juro and his troupe in Diary of a Shinjuku Theif, and 
there are other examples of this sort of thing (not non-professional 
actors , but theatre actors acting in films). Some of these people later 
became film actors and tv personalities/actors. Can't think of anything 
else right now. The book on the Art Theatre Guild might also be worth a 
look, can't remember the title off the top of my head though.

Michael Fitzhnery

Alex Zahlten wrote:

Hello everyone,

I would like to ask if anyone knows of infos/ publications concerning
themselves with acting styles and their development in japanese film- 
there is , of course, some
information on the supposed influence (or non-influence) of Kabuki, 
Shimpa and Shingeki
floating around, but I would be more interested in information on newer 
developments (or do those
influences still have relevance?). What influence, for example, have 
"method" acting or other
approaches had? Are different "schools" distinguishable? Is a transfer 
of styles between
theater and film visible today? Regarding the seemingly relatively high 
amount of pop-idols etc. that
go into acting careers quite suddenly, is any kind of influence of that 
Any kind of information is greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance,

Alex Zahlten

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