Sabu at Berlin

Giacomo Calorio cinnamon815
Mon Feb 17 12:59:02 EST 2003

I had the chance to see Sabu's last movie at Tokyo Filmex Festival
last december and I really liked it. I think it's one of his best movies
and Terajima's almost silent performance is wonderful. Sabu's style
has come slower, more quiet than his early movies (but the backward
structure is similar), anyway it had a stronger impact on me.

giacomo calorio

rfc> Dear Kinejapaners and Aaron,

rfc> I had the pleasure of attending a screening of Koufuku no kane/Blessing
rfc> Bell at the Berlin Film Festival

rfc> Sabu introduced the film by taking photos of himself in quirky positions
rfc> and with the audience

rfc> The film didn't seem to thrill the audience, there was only a timid
rfc> clapometer at the end.

rfc> Sabu said that, after repeated criticisms regarding his "hectic"
rfc> filmmaking, he wanted to swith "running" rhythm over to "walking" rhythm.

rfc> So let's say that Susumu Terajima walks very well in the film, but the sum
rfc> of his slow escapades doesn't amount to much excitement.

rfc> Watch out for a great shot at the end of the movie, when the sun is coming
rfc> out behind Terajima's shoulders. The behind the scenes truth : this great
rfc> sun effect was achieved with a simple light projector ! This is
rfc> cinematographer Masao Nakabori's great achievement.

rfc> Sabu's DORAIBU was also screened in Berlin at the Film Market.

rfc> Tchuss

rfc> Robin


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