
Lorenzo Torres ltorresh
Mon Feb 24 11:09:21 EST 2003

I agree with you about everyday/mythical; but for me, like in Ozu, it 
wouldn't be an step beyond, but a mixture (Zen, here, is very important). 
The shots I'm talking about are those someone called (Richie?) transitional 
that Ozu used to shot. In his case it was a wooden strucrure too, but with 
al kind of clothes (usually white ones) hanging in order to dry...
Precisely, that I liked less was that tendency to kitsch.

>From: bird at
>Reply-To: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at
>Subject: Re: self-introduction
>Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:45:23 -0500
>Hmm, Ozu...what shots in particular?
>What interested me about Dolls, particularly moments like the appearance of
>the kimono, was how step by step the story moves from the everyday  to the
>mythical, and along the way this change is pushed along by moments of
>magical realism which border on kitsch. For example the final shot of the
>lovers dangling from a tree on the edge of a cliff. In that shot the tree
>is so stylized or exaggerated as to be obviously a matt painting over which
>the lovers are superimposed in post-production. The film overlays kitsch
>and  tragedy, to very moving effect - at least this was the way I read it.
>It seems to parallel in a way Kitano's other work in television - on game
>shows and so on - which is very low-brow but does make at times rather
>important comments on contemporary Japan.
>Does anyone know the name of the bunraku play on which the film is based,
>and/or the folktale the play comes from? The image of two people bound
>together by a red cord - this is very familiar - the idea of en-musubi? -
>I'm wondering if there are specific examples in traditional culture of
>characters bound by a red cord.
>BTWa question about Kitano's name.He is known popularly in Japan as Bito
>(Beat) Takeshi. I understand this name comes from the name of his 1970s
>manzai duo "the Two Beats", but does anyone know the significance of the
>term "Beat" here (eg heartbeats, Beatniks...)?
>Lawrence Bird
> >I saw "Dolls" some weeks ago and although I don't think it's Kitano's 
> >film, I'm interested in. For example, How about thoese shots where you 
> >see some kimonos hanging from a wood structure? In these case is seems 
> >easy to understand its meaning in relation to the Bunraku, etc. But the 
> >surprising for me was to realize that may be Ozu had been using it with 
> >same purpose (predestination, etc.) in some similar kind of shots he used 
> >edit ... What do you think?
> >
> >Lorenzo J. Torres
> >Ass. Professor in Communications
> >Universidad Carlos III
> >Madrid
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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