"Bayside Shakedown 2" Reloaded

Don Brown the8thsamurai at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 11 22:28:59 EST 2003

A new version of this year's number one box office hit "Bayside Shakedown 
2" (Odoru Daisosasen 2) will begin screening in 50 theatres across Japan 
from December 20th. 
Entitled the "international strategy edition" (kokusai senryaku ban), this 
re-edited and abbreviated rendering of the action comedy will feature a new 
steroid-enhanced sound mix by George Lucas' Skywalker Sound. Director 
Motohiro Katsuyuki is currently putting the final touches on it in the 
U.S., and completion is scheduled for next month.
The duration of the original release clocked in at 2 hours and 18 minutes, 
but the international cut has been clipped down to a tidy 2 hours to focus 
on Oda Yuji's character Detective Aoshima. It’s hoped that this will make 
the story easier to understand for overseas viewers unfamiliar with the 
machinations of the original television series. The re-issue also includes 
hitherto unseen footage.
The original version, still in theatres, will cease screening on December 
19th to make way for the international strategy edition. This all probably 
has more to do with squeezing every last drop of domestic revenue out of 
this cash cow than genuine preparations for overseas exhibition, as foreign 
distribution rights have yet to be sold.
"Bayside Shakedown 2" has made over 16,960,000,000 yen to date, making it 
the Japanese box office record holder for a domestically produced live 
action movie.


Don Brown

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