Kinema Club 3: A Seminar

Mark Anderson ander025
Sat Nov 15 05:24:18 EST 2003

Kinema Club 3: A SeminarDear Mitsu,
    I would be very interested in a seminar that undertakes a historical survey of the star system in Japanese film, its ties to genre, and the evolution of typecasting as it relates to gender, class, and ethnicity.  Aside from my masculinity in Kurosawa research, I will be doing research on the shimpa to silent film transition in connection with Konjiki Yasha and Hototogisu. There are seventeen silent versions of Konjiki Yasha so I can't help but think rival studio stars have something to do with this incredible proliferation of remakes. The few notices on silent versions of Konjiki Yasha I've found so far generally relate Entertainment Tonight type of information: where the film is being shot, which stars are involved, and how anxiously the film release is being anticipated. Much of the story seems to come from the press buzz around the celebrity actors and actesses. 
    Does this sound like an angle for KineJapan 3 that might interest you? I know Marcia Wada-? is working on female character types in early Naruse. I'm sure Michael Raine's work on Ishihara Yujiro would also fit in neatly. It would be interesting to hear M. Nornes reflect on presentations of gender in Prokine or post-war documentary work. What do you think?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto 
  To: KineJapan at 
  Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 10:30 AM
  Subject: Kinema Club 3: A Seminar


  We are planning to have Kinema Club 3 in New York on the second week of next February (Feb 13-15, 2004). Unlike Kinema Club 2 in Hawaii, it is a small seminar with 4-5 papers and one roundtable discussion on a topic to be decided. All papers will be distributed in advance, and we'll spend 90-120 minutes to discuss each paper at the seminar. If you are interested in presenting your paper on Japanese film, television, and media, please send us a brief abstract/description by October 31. The deadline for the paper is January 12, 2004. We also welcome any idea for the roundtable discussion. There is no registration fee this time, but unfortunately no financial assistance for airfares and lodging expenses is available again. The meeting will be quite small, about 20 participants including presenters and audience (because of the small size of the conference room where we meet).

  Kinema Club 4 will be held in late spring/early summer of 2005. It is planned as a big conference, something similar to or even bigger than Kinema Club 2 in Hawaii. If anybody is interested in hosting Kinema Club 4, we'd like to hear from you. It's never too early to plan a conference, especially if we decide to apply for an outside grant for a financial assistance. 

  We'd like to hear from people with interesting ideas, new research agenda, etc., so please do not hesitate to contact us even if you cannot finish a polished paper abstract by deadline.   

  Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, my15 at (New York University)
  Mark Nornes, amnornes at (University of Michigan) 
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