CJS - Japan on Film website?

amnornes amnornes
Thu Apr 8 02:31:56 EDT 2004

On Apr 8, 2004, at 2:49 PM, Chris Howell-Little wrote:

> Does anyone know what happened to the UMich CJS "Japan on Film" 
> website?
> (Markus perhaps?) It seems to no longer exist.

This site was developed by CJS a few years back when it occurred to us 
that we were collecting all this information and producing all this PR 
text that would certainly be useful to other people setting up film 
series. I think it was, and still is, a good idea. However, it created 
some problems. First and foremost, the sources for films constantly 
changed and so it wasn't too long before the most crucial bit of 
information became out of date.  This cascaded into further problems: 
everyone who used the site started asking the CJS staff for the correct 
information and that kind of thing. They already get enough email!  So 
it was either put serious time into keeping the thing up to date or let 
it disappear. We chose the latter when the CJS website was redesigned 
last year.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  It was just far more involved 
that we ever expected.


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