Hiroshima in Japanese film, and natsukashi melodies

ander025 ander025
Tue Apr 20 12:10:25 EDT 2004

Dear Gavin,
  The Nihon no ryukokashi taikei CD set from Daicel comes with a chronology
of Japanese records released in the 78rpm era (1928-1958). It doesn't break
down distribution by region or city, but it is an important account of
Japanese popular music produced and distributed by the five major record
labels. Let me know if you don't have access to a copy (they run over
$600)--I'd be happy to go over the period you are interested in and provide
you with a list of songs to consider.
                                                        Mark Anderson

On 20 Apr 2004, Gavin Rees wrote:
> Dear all,=20
> It has been a while since I have posted I am afraid:  for the last year
> or so I have been hovering in a fairly peripheral orbit. Apologies for
> the vicarious pleasures of reading, but not posting. (But besides direct
> experience of the inner workings of Japanese TV news, I have not had
> much to contribute.)=20
> I have just started working on a BBC documentary about Hiroshima, which
> is being made for the 60th anniversary next year.=20
> I am interested in trying to find out how Japanese documentarists and
> dramatists have dealt with the issue since the war. Exlcuding the
> obvious Imamura/Kurosawa/Resnais stuff, and the leads that Markus
> mentions in his excellent book on Japanese Documentary, does anybody
> have any recommendations, for interesting work, particularly Japanese in
> origin?=20
> I am also very keen to see if I can find a good fan site for Japanese
> music of the 1940s, or somebody who might be able to give me a good
> steer on what Hiroshima might have sounded like before the bomb.=20
> Best wishes,
> Gavin Rees
> BBCi at http://www.bbc.co.uk/
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