JPEX New York Program 1 Thursday 9 December

Jonathan M. Hall jmhall
Thu Dec 9 17:46:12 EST 2004

Dear List Members,
My co-curator, Michelle Puetz, and I are happy to announce the New York
screenings at Anthology Film Archives of JPEX: Japanese Experimental Film &
Video, 1955-now.  We believe the five programs of the JPEX series represent
the most substantial series in Japanese experimental film, video, and
animation at least since the 1982 MOMA series curated by Donald Richie.
JPEX has toured Southern California (the University of California Irvine),
the Bay Area (Pacific Film Archive and San Francisco Cinematheque), Chicago
(Gene Siskel Film Center and the University of Chicago), and Oklahoma City
(Oklahoma City of Art).  And we anticipate further screenings next year.
The series was made possible through a collaboration between the University
of California Irvine and the University of Chicago and supported by
individual artists and Image Forum, Tokyo, Japan. I am taking the liberty of
sending you the program lists today and tomorrow for the events this weekend
in New York City.  For details on Anthology Film Archives, please see
Jonathan M. Hall

JPEX:  Japanese Experimental Film & Video, 1955 - Now
Program One Expanded Visions
7:30 pm Thursday, December 9th 2004

Anthology Film Archives
New York, New York
32 Second Avenue (at Second Street)
Telephone: (212) 505-5181

In Expanded Visions, the first program of the JPEX series, the extraordinary
canon of mid-century Japanese formal experimentation comprised by
well-recognized experimentalists such as Ito Takashi, Matsumoto Toshio,
Nakajima Takashi, Okuyama Jun?ichi, and Yamazaki Hiroshi, is expanded and
enriched in the light of the powerful and pioneering work of feminist
filmmaker Idemitsu Mako, animator Tanaami Keiichi, and contemporary
contributors to formal play. Collectively, these filmmakers probe the
possibilities of cinematic representation, linear temporality, repetition,
sensory overload, forgetfulness, perception, and delusive madness.  Program
notes and curation by Jonathan M. Hall & Michelle Puetz. Total Running Time:
MATSUMOTO Toshio  Shiki Soku Ze Ku, 1975, 8m, color, 16mm, sound

IDEMITSU Mako  At Santa Monica 1, 1974, 6m, color, 16mm on video, sound

OKUYAMA Jun?ichi  Le Cinema, 1975, 5m, b&w, 16mm, sound

OKUYAMA Jun?ichi  My Movie Melodies, 1980, 6m, b&w, 16mm, sound

OKAMOTO Akio Snarl-Up!!!, 2001, 8m, color, video, sound

YAMAZAKI Hiroshi Heliography, 1979, 6m, color, 16mm, sound

NAKAJIMA Takashi  Cessna, 1974, 20m, color, 8mm on video, silent

FURUKAWA Taku Coffee Break, 1977, 3m, color, 16mm, sound

MATSUMOTO Toshio  Atman  1975, 11m, color, 16mm, sound

ITO Takashi  Spacy, 1981, 10m, color/b&w, 16mm, sound

YAMAZAKI Hiroshi Observation, 1975, 10m, b&w, 16mm, sound

TANAAMI Keiichi  Why? Remix, 2002, 5m, color, video, sound


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