AW: New Documentation of Future Cinema now in Japan

Made in DNA brent at
Fri Jan 2 09:38:21 EST 2004

Okay, I'm in Japan. Where? I'd love to go.

Hit me harder,
Made in DNA

Pete Otis wrote:

>The name of the exhibition is "Future Cinema" and it is currently on display
>in Japan.  There is also a significant amount of this "new media" work going
>on in Asia currently, though this exhibit shows mainly euopean artists.
>Since cinema itself was once "new media" you can see the direct influence it
>currently has on these comtemporary works.  What is facinating to see is the
>the differences in works inlfuenced by western or eastern cinema.
>The database for virtual art which will provide documentation for these
>kinds of works will be going public soon.  it will be in both english and

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