Upcoming Doc Encyclopedia

jeffrey isaacs jdi1
Tue May 18 09:36:48 EDT 2004

Looking over the categories, I would think that an entry on education 
film would be worthwhile just on the strength of 1920s/30s discourse. 
Also, it provides an opportunity to represent a large chunk of 
pre-war and immediate post-war documentary production.

If there is indeed a way to increase the number of entries, a short 
bit on newsreel theaters from the the Showa teens/20s is an important 

Who are the editors?


>I asked for a list of categories they are using. Most of the ideas 
>people presented----all very good ones----were auteurist in nature. 
>Do these categories inspire any other possibilities?
>Countries Regions - documentary film
>General Topics and Concepts
>Individuals - directors producers
>Individuals - others
>Individuals - theorists and thinkers
>Production Companies Organizations Festivals Institutions
>Production Companies Organizations Festivals Institutions - by country
>Publications - by country
>Publications - titles own entry
>Styles Techniques and Technical Issues
>Themes Issues and Representations
>Types of documentary

Jeffrey Isaacs
Ph.D. student, University of Chicago

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