Howl's Moving Castle

Alex Zahlten Alex.Zahlten
Wed Nov 24 20:56:04 EST 2004

I saw HOWL at the Tokyo Intl. Film Festival, and have to agree on the lost
narrative and the mixed bag of themes. On the other hand, I thought it
contained some of Miyazaki's strongest conscious attempts to date to appeal
directly to an OL-demographic. From the basic premise (a girl that grows old
overnight, via a curse, and must learn how to cope with it) to the jokes
(she cleans up the oh-so-messy "men's house") to even a lot of the imagery
(look at the "hanging up the clothes to dry"-sequence), lot's of sequences
in the film seemed to deal with situations, hopes and fears lifted directly
from OL/housewife (though the two of course must be differentiated to some
degree)-targeted TV ads. These were also the same jokes and scenes that got
the strongest audience reaction in the screening I was in. 

Alex Zahlten


alex at

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