much ado about puffy

kelly kelly.davis
Sat Oct 23 17:46:11 EDT 2004

totally agreed ander.

(overheard at doutor)

a: what kind of music do you like?
b: blue jean casual.

On Saturday, October 23, 2004, at 11:36  PM, ander025 wrote:

> Puffy certainly aren't alternative artists. Neither are they idols on 
> the
> old model of Matsuda Seiko or the newer model of Amuro Namie and 
> Speed. If
> we reduce "idolization" to celebrity or fashion-driving status than 
> what
> about Kurt Cobain? He made ripped jeans more popular. And he wore 
> makeup.
> Was he an idol?
> Anyone who puts out a CD gets marketed in some form. I find Puffy a lot
> more interesting than say, Avril Lavigne, both musically and in terms 
> of
> image. They don't actively seem to be presenting themselves as 
> something
> they aren't in the same way. They don't pretend to be artists though 
> they
> sing pretty well, but they have an anti-glamour look.
> To me, the most interesting thing about them is that they break the 
> burikko
> mold without moving to the sex-kitten model that Amuro Namie and Speed
> replace it with. Maybe we need a new category or label for blue-jean
> casual, post-burikko female pop star that doesn't write their own 
> material.
> On 23 Oct 2004, kelly wrote:
>> ???????????????????
>> ??????????????????????????????
>> that's just crazy talk...
>> ?????????????????????
>> ??????????????????????????marketing
>> ????punk.
>> blue jeans never prevented honorary japanese idolization status 
>> either.
>> ever notice how many girls started wearing jeans in shibuya alone 
>> after
>> jet hit the charts.
>> On Saturday, October 23, 2004, at 05:26  PM, ander025 wrote:
>>> I don't know anything about this anime, but as a pop group, one of 
>>> the
>>> distinguishing marks of Puffy is that they ARE NOT an idol band or
>>> particularly kawaii. They have rather cultivated an "alternative"
>>> image of
>>> sorts. Certainly an anti-glamor, anti-idol look. They generally wear
>>> jeans
>>> and T-shirts or sweatshirts and often look as if they aren't even
>>> wearing
>>> makeup.
>>> They don't play the "I'm so cute" game, they speak to the press 
>>> fairly
>>> directly, and all of their material is written by one very talented
>>> writer
>>> and producer for whom they are his main vehicle (He's quite 
>>> influenced
>>> by
>>> the Beatles and alternative US pop over the last 15 years).
>>> Of course, the relation of the Beatles and the Jackson Five to their
>>> cartoon properties was also pretty remote. It won't be too surprising
>>> if
>>> the same is the case here.
>>> On 23 Oct 2004, Aaron Gerow wrote:
>>>> With a six-year old son, I had to learn sooner rather than later, 
>>>> but
>>>> it seems that the Japanese pop duo Puffy will have their own 
>>>> animated
>>>> TV show on Cartoon Network in the US starting on November 19. You 
>>>> can
>>>> already check out some scenes at the show's website:
>>>> Puffy--or Puffy AmiYumi as they're known in the US--have already
>>>> contributed the theme song to the CN show Teen Titans. They've
>>>> somewhat
>>>> faded in Japan, but this may be another break. Or will they go the 
>>>> way
>>>> of Pink Lady?
>>>> More Japanese cute invading US pop culture, but the animation style
>>>> looks more Cartoon Network than Japanese anime.
>>>> Aaron Gerow
>>>> KineJapan owner
>>>> Assistant Professor
>>>> Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
>>>> Yale University
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