
chris neilson chrisneilson
Thu Oct 28 15:32:21 EDT 2004

Hi Todd,

I'm pretty much a lurker here, but I wanted to say that I read your site everyday.  Keep up the great work.

Best Regards,
Chris Neilson

On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 03:03PM, Todd Brown <todd at> wrote:

>Hello ... I just came across this list and figured I'd do the introduction
>thing.  My name is Todd Brown and I'm in Toronto.  I'm the founder of Twitch
>(, a new-ish film site that covers a lot of Asian film,
>though we range a fair bit farther than that.  A quick scan of the site will
>give you a pretty fair idea of where my interests lie.  Looking forward to
>being part of things here and hopefully learning some new things ...
> - movie news and discussion

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