Japanese Films in archives?
Andreas Becker
59794999 at web.de
Mon Dec 5 12:59:22 EST 2005
Dear kinejapan-list,
I'm working on the japanese (silent) cinema and I found many interesting
hints in the DVD-database "Masters of the Silent Japanese Cinema". But
none of the films seems to be available. Has there someone out there an
idea (archives in europe would be perfect...)? Especially Teinosuke
Kinugasa "A Page of Madness/KURUTTA IPPEIJI"; Tomizawa Shinro "chi no
miyako kohan no bansho" (1925); Keisuke Sasaki and Torajiro Saito
"bakudan hanyome" (Dynamite Bride) (1932); Mikio Naruse "kimi to
wakarete/Farewell to You" (1933)? Is there a compilation of early
japanese animation?
Also some documentaries from the 60's seemed to be disappearing. A list
is included. ... Please help to make them visible!
Thanks for hints!
Yours sincerely
Andreas Becker
A Page of Madness
L (Land) Japan,
J (Jahr) 1926,
P (Produktionsfirma) Shin Kankaku-Ha Eiga Renmei,
Länge: 80 (18 B./sec.) Minuten, FSK: , Erstaufführung: 1973
Kino/16.2.1975 HR
Pd (Produzent) Teinosuke Kinugasa,
R (Regie) Teinosuke Kinugasa,
B (Drehbuch) Yasunari Kawabata,
K (Kamera) Kôhei Sugiyama,
M (Musik) Modern Bamboo Flute Ensemble,
D (Darsteller) Hiroshi Nemoto als ein junger Mann, Misao Seki als der
Arzt, Eiko Minami als Tänzerin, Masao Inoue als der Mann, Yoshie
Nakagawa als die Frau, Ayako Iijima als die Tochter,
Early Japanese Animation
A list with films is on:
Paruchizan Zenshi (1969)
Directed by Noriaki Tsuchimoto
Genre: Documentary (more)
Also Known As:
Pre-History of the Partisan Party
Runtime: 122 min
Country: Japan
Color: Black and White
Sommer auf Narita
L (Land) Japan,
J (Jahr) 1968,
P (Produktionsfirma) Ogawa Prod.,
Länge: (TV) 105 Minuten, FSK: , Erstaufführung: 21.3.1971 BR
Pd (Produzent) Shinsuke Ogawa,
R (Regie) Shinsuke Ogawa,
B (Drehbuch) Shinsuke Ogawa,
K (Kamera) Shinsuke Ogawa,
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