1930s film set in Manchuria?

Melek Ortabasi mortabas at hamilton.edu
Fri Dec 9 18:04:17 EST 2005

Hello all,

A reference question for the early film specialists out there. In the 
animated feature _Millennium Actress_, which makes many references to 
actual films, the protagonist's debut is in a late-1930's film in 
which she plays an (army?) nurse in Manchuria (Florence 
Nightingale-style beaproned look). _MA_ does very little to suggest a 
storyline; as elsewhere in the film, it's more about capturing the 
"look" and setting as a backdrop to the actress' story. I'm trying to 
figure out if it's just a general reference to the type of film that 
would have featured the colonies as an "exotic" locale, or whether 
this could possibly be an actual film. Does anyone know offhand?

Best regards,
Melek Ortabasi
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Literature
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY

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