"Memoirs of a Geisha" NY Times review
Christine Marran
Fri Dec 9 12:09:20 EST 2005
I absolutely agree. And this is going to once again put conversations
about Japan back into old molds just as when the book came out with a
Japan of canals and willows, face pancake and silk.
The NYT review at least avoided the kind of exotic portrait of the
geisha life that Vaux's indulges in when he writes,
"They are instead trained companions, skilled in refined arts such as
dancing, poetry, and music. They provide pleasure of countless sublime
variations, stimulating the mind as much as the body, and while they may
indeed sleep with their clients, the transaction lacks the coarseness of
a common streetwalker: rich patrons formally auction for the privilege
of claiming a geisha's virginity."
Kerim Yasar wrote:
> The trailer was enough to convince me that this is a
> film I will not be wasting either time or money on. A
> vulgar film with bad acting based on a dumb book from
> a director whose last film gave me a migraine from the
> sheer assault of noise and obnoxious camerawork and
> editing. I hope it loses money, but with this kind of
> marketing blitzkrieg it's not likely.
> --- tanaka taro <tarouttt at hotmail.com> wrote:
> http://movies2.nytimes.com/2005/12/09/movies/09geis.html?th=&emc=th&pagewanted=print
>>It has opened, the one that was dreaded even more
>>than "The Last Samurai".
>>Let's see if anyone can dig up a favorable review.
>>Luk Van Haute
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Christine L. Marran
Asst. Professor of Japanese Literature and Cultural Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
University of Minnesota
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