CFP: International Conference on Asian Comics, Animation & Gaming

Mark Nornes amnornes
Thu Dec 22 20:54:44 EST 2005

International Conference on Asian Comics, Animation & Gaming (ACAG 2006)
Date: May 18-19, 2006
Venue: York University, Toronto, Canada

Themes: Cultural economy and transnational imaginary



The goal of the ACAG 2006 conference is to provide an international 
forum for
presenting recent research on the emerging cultural markets in China 
and the
Asian countries and to investigate the transnational issues of Asian 
products, focusing on comics, animation and digital games in relation 
with the
global world. The purpose of the conference is to promote scholarship 
intellectual engagement between academics and cultural production 
on the conference themes and topics from various backgrounds.

Papers that explore critical, philosophical and creative issues on 
Asian comics,
animation, and digital games by drawing on the methodological and 
knowledge from a variety of disciplines are invited. Possible 
disciplines and
topics may include, but are not limited to the following:

    * Cultural economy, product, market and industry
    * Cultural studies and cultural identity
    * East Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Asia-Pacific studies
    * Anime and manga studies
    * Gender studies and body
    * Sociology, class and consumer cultures
    * Critical theory and representation
    * Human/cultural geography
    * Cross-cultural comparisons
    * Religious themes
    * History and cultural change
    * Aesthetic and creativity
    * Film studies
    * Fan culture and lifestyle studies
    * Cyberspace and Internet world
    * East and West Philosophy
    * Psychology
    * Localism, Globalism, Transnationalism

Presentation formats, guidelines and submissions
We invite proposals for concurrent session presentations at the 
Conference on Asian Comics, Animation and Gaming 2006 to be held from 
May 18 to
May 19, 2006 at York University in Toronto, Canada. Interested parties 
can send
an abstract submission electronically in form of Word document to acag-
ycar at with the subject heading ?ACAG abstract submission.?  Each
abstract should be no longer than 200 words with a cover page including 
title (and subtitle if applicable), name(s) of the author(s), 
mailing address(es), email address(es), two or three keywords that 
describe the
submission and indicate one of the following:
A) Oral Presentation with Full Paper; OR
B) Oral Presentation only

A) Oral Presentation with Full paper
?       Submission of abstracts: November 21, 2005 < Extended deadline: 
?       Acceptance of abstracts: December 7, 2005 < Extended deadline: 
?       Submission of full papers for review: March 1, 2006
?       Acceptance of full papers with revisions: March 15, 2006
?       Accepted papers due: April 3, 2006

After the peer blind review of the abstract, author(s) selected will be 
to submit a full paper (no longer than 3000 words) for a further 
review.  The
selected abstracts and full papers will be published in the conference
proceedings in CD-Rom and website format. A general guideline for the 
full paper
is as follow:

?       MS Word for complete document
?       Page setup for letter-size or A4 size paper
?       All text single-spaced
?       All notes as parenthetical text referencing (author year, page)
?       Include References at the end
?       12-point type, Times Roman font
?       1-inch (20 mm) margins
?       Include cover page with presenter's name, institution, and 
and paper title
?       Length of the paper: no longer than 3000 words
?       Submit to acag-ycar at with the subject heading ?ACAG 
full paper?

If author(s) do not submit the full paper on time, they will 
transfer to the Oral Presentation format.  Each presenter will be 
allotted 20
minutes for the presentation and questions.  Multimedia equipment will 

B) Oral Presentation only
?       Submission of abstracts: February 14, 2006
?       Acceptance of abstracts: February 28, 2006

After the peer blind review of the abstract, author(s) selected will be 
to prepare an oral presentation at the conference.  Selected abstracts 
will be
published in the conference proceedings as above. Each presenter will be
allotted 20 minutes for the presentation and questions.  Multimedia 
will be provided.

Keynote speakers
?       Professor John A. Lent, Rogers Chair of Studies in Journalism 
and New
Information Technology, Mass Media and Communication Program, Temple 
?       TBA

This conference is organized by the York Centre for Asian Research 
(YCAR) at
York University. YCAR is an institute for research to enhance the 
of Asia and Asian diasporas. It promotes scholarship and education on 
Studies through research, lectures, workshops, and other public events. 
event such as the Biennial Conference of Canadian Asian Studies 
Association and
Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies was hosted by YCAR in 
2005. YCAR also organizes ongoing brownbag seminars at York University, 
aimed at
providing opportunities for scholars, researchers and gradate students 
present their research on Asia.

Honorary advisors
?       Professor John A. Lent, Rogers Chair of Studies in Journalism 
and New
Information Technology, Mass Media and Communication Program, Temple 
?       Professor Frenchy Lunning, Minneapolis College of Art and 
Design, USA

International advisory board and review committee
?       Christopher Bolton, Williams College, USA
?       Lisa Drumond, York University, Canada
?       Haruhiko Fujita, Osaka University, Japan
?       Ted Goossen, York University, Canada
?       Jay Goulding, York University, Canada
?       Marc Hairston, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
?       Yomota Inhiko, Meiji Gaku-in University, Japan
?       Thomas Lamarre, McGill University, Canada
?       Livia Monnet, McGill University, Canada
?       Judith Nagata, York University, Canada
?       Hajime Nakatani, McGill University, Canada
?       Kin Wai Michael Siu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
?       Peter Vandergeest, York University, Canada

?       International Journal of Comics Art
?       Asian Cinema Studies Society

For general enquiries or further information, please contact Conference 
Conference Chair: Dr. Wendy Siuyi Wong, Associate Director, YCAR; 
Department of
Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, York University. Email: wsywong at

Conference website
Update on registration, accommodation and program will be announced in 
January, please check YCAR?s website and click in to the conference 

Wendy Siuyi Wong, Ph.D.
Department of Design
Faculty of Fine Arts
York University

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