Yukiko Inoue in Shiota's Canary

J.sharp j.sharp
Tue Dec 27 08:22:05 EST 2005

Just quickly as I rush off to another Christmas dinner with relatives
somewhere, I've got nothing much to add to Jason's post, except that at the
FilmEx 2004 premier of CANARY, Shiota did announce that he had met Inoue
after the previous year's screening of Shimizu's JAPANESE GIRLS AT THE
HARBOUR, which is when he asked her if she would like to appear in CANARY,
which he hadn't yet shot at this point.


--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Re: Yukiko Inoue in Shiota's Canary
Date: 26/12/05 22:00

> Jason --
> Thanks for the information.
> There surely must be an interesting story underlying Inoue-san's return to
> film.
> Could she really have been only 15 or 16 when she made her debut with Ozu
> in an adult part?
> On Monday 26 December 2005 22:55, Jason Gray wrote:
> &gt; Michael,
> &gt;
> &gt; It is indeed the same actress. I don't know a lot about
> &gt; her, but at the FILMeX 2003 screening of Shimizu Hiroshi's
> &gt; &quot;Japanese Girls at the Harbor&quot; (&quot;Minato no nihon
> &gt; 1933), everyone was amazed to see her stand up in the
> &gt; audience and wave, giving a few words. She returned to
> &gt; FILMeX in 2004 and took the stage with the cast members of
> &gt; &quot;Canary.&quot;
> &gt;
> &gt; Doing a quick search, found this on the official site for
> &gt; &quot;Canary.&quot; (scroll down to the bottom)
> &gt;
> &gt; http://www.shirous.com/canary/cast.html
> &gt;
> &gt; The main points (for those who can't read Japanese or see
> &gt; Jap. characters)
> &gt;
> &gt; - Born in 1915.
> &gt; - She's half Dutch (which I now remember being mentioned
> &gt; at the Shimizu screening)
> &gt; - Under the name $B&gt;b0l;R(B / Kane Itsuko (?), she started off
> &gt; in Shochiku musical plays/operas in Osaka
> &gt; - For her film debut, she went back to her original name
> &gt; (Inoue Yukiko), appearing in Ozu's &quot;Bijin aishu&quot; (aka
> &gt; Beauty's Sorrows) and other films of his
> &gt; - After appearing in Naruse Mikio's &quot;Kagirinaki hodo&quot;
> &gt; (Street Without End), she left Shochiku in 1934
> &gt; - Made a &quot;special appearance&quot; in Toyoda Shirou's
> &gt; &quot;Tokyo-Osaka tokudane orai&quot; in 1936 before disappearing
> &gt; from the screen
> &gt; - Took a little 67-year break until her 2003 public
> &gt; appearances (the aformentioned Shimizu screening and the
> &gt; &quot;OZU2003&quot; Symposium)
> &gt;
> &gt; Maybe someone (Jasper?) who knows about Canary can shed
> &gt; light on her involvement in that film.
> &gt;

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