Academy Award Equivalents?

Aaron Gerow gerowaaron at
Thu Feb 24 08:45:25 EST 2005

You can look at what the IMDb recognizes in its database as major 

This can also raise the question, what do people think are the 
equivalent of the Academy Awards in Japan? Obviously the Japanese major 
companies would like you to think it is the Japanese Academy Awards 
(which is the only film award ceremony that is televised widely in 
Japan), but as many people have said on this list, it is shamelessly 
biased towards the films of the majors and often produces results 
totally out of whack with the other major Japanese awards (this year's 
winner, by the way, was Hanochi, which as far as I know, didn't win a 
best picture award anywhere else). For a while there, the IMDb listed 
only this among its international awards, but I see that they have done 
their homework and now list many of the others: KineJun, Mainichi, Blue 
Ribbon, Cultural Ministry Awards, etc.

What do people think of these Japanese awards?

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

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