Osaka's Umeda Planet Film Library
Tue Jul 26 07:49:33 EDT 2005

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--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
Subject: Osaka's Umeda Planet Film Library
Date: 26/07/05 02:27

> Hi everyone,
> Thank you for the many helpful e-mails I received with regards to my query
on viewing wartime films in Japan.
> A few of you mentioned checking out Planet Film Library in Umeda. Try
> as I could I could not locate it. Does it have a Japanese name? Would
> appreciate very much if anyone knows who I should contact/how to get
> there!
> Also, I know I mentioned this earlier, but does anyone know if there is
> a copy of Kamei Fumio's Peking available for viewing anywhere in Japan?
> So far the answer seems to be no...Also, I've heard from a couple of
> you that &quot;Sakebu Ajia&quot; is lost - are we all in agreement on
> Thesis is going well, and I do the chuukan happyou tomorrow. KineJapan is
in my acknowledgements!
> Much Thanks,
> Wei Ting

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