Seeking 1920s Director's Name-Yomi Confirmation/Correction ReelDrew
Fri Jul 29 16:08:30 EDT 2005

A number of years ago, I corresponded with Mr. K. Nishi, a cinephile then 
living in Tokyo, about the early Japanese cinema, and he also gave the directors 
name in Romaji as Seika Shiba.  Among Shiba's many silent films was a two-part 
version of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables," which he directed for Nikkatsu in 
1929 under the title, "Aa Mujo," as Hugo's clsssic novel is generally known in 
Japan.  This was the second of five full-length Japanese film versions of 
"Les Miserables."  Shiba's adaptation transposed the setting of the story from 
19th century France to Japan in the Tokugawa era.  Yonosuke Toba portrayed Jean 
Valjean and Yoko Umemura was cast as Cosette.  (Unfortunately, I don't know 
who played Javert.)

William M. Drew
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