Yamagata Catalog - Help Wanted!

M Arnold ma_iku
Wed Jun 29 13:30:16 EDT 2005

Hi all -

The Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival is looking for someone 
to edit the official catalog for this year's event (October 7-13). The 
editor must be fluent in English and Japanese and be available to visit the 
Yamagata office in Shinjuku, Tokyo on a regular to daily basis from mid July 
through September. The job will include general editing, layout, 
translation, translation checking and other tasks. Film knowledge is 
appreciated, but editing experience is more important.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Asakawa-san at 
the Yamagata office. The deadline for inquiries is July 8.

email: asakawa at tokyo.yidff.jp
phone: 03-5362-0672

YIDFF web site: http://www.city.yamagata.yamagata.jp/yidff/home.html

Michael Arnold 

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