Translation help :-)

Paul Kraly seaotter37
Thu Jun 30 11:20:17 EDT 2005

Hiiii Jasper, hehe...

Yeees, we meet again *waggles eyebrows*

So good to hear from you, and yes I did manage to track down everything. 
Found a nice store in San Fran that I can order from; I just need to get 
my hands on a Free-region DVD now. I did find some software that claims 
to turn a DVD player on your computer to an all-region player, so I 
might go that route.

I will really look forward to this list, as I'm sure others will be as 
well. Any chance you can give us some highlights of the presentation you 

Get some sleep!

Paul wrote:

>Yes Paul,
>Hi again,
>These are the old Shintoho Ama movies that are released on DVD in Japan.
>There are a few other titles that aren't, the one that springs to mind is
>the intriguing sounding Hitogui Ama/Cannibal Ama, which I guess is a lost
>film. There's also a whole load of Nikkatsu ones.
>Some list members here are aware that at the Kineclub conference I gave a
>presentation on these films. I have a long list of titles that I will post
>to this list, providing I get any sleep in the next few days... Just got off
>a long and gruelling flight back from Tokyo.
>All the best,
>--------- Original Message --------
>From: KineJapan at
>To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
>Subject: Re: Translation help :-)
>Date: 30/06/05 04:36
>>I hope you can read macrons....
>>1. Ama no bakemono yashiki
>>2. Ama no senritsu
>>3. Kaidan ama y?rei
>>4. Onna shinju ? no fukush?
>>Or with little hats...
>>1. Ama no bakemono yashiki
>>2. Ama no senritsu
>>3. Kaidan ama y?rei
>>4. Onna shinju ? no fukush?
>>I'll let somebody else complete 3 as I'm in a Taipei Mosburger (much
>>cheaper than Tokyo, and leaking wireless from Mr Brown's Coffee next
>>door) with no dictionary to hand...
>>On Jun 30, 2005, at 1:05 AM, Paul Kraly wrote:
>>&gt; I hope someone can read Japanese characters. I rec'd an email
>>&gt; yesterday
>>&gt; from Kinokuniya in San Fransisco about four movie titles I was
>>&gt; interested in. Problem is, it's in Japanese. I don't need to know the
>>&gt; English titles, but if someone can translate this into readable
>>&gt; Japanese, I'd be pleased.
>>&gt; 1. ??IMBS1040
>>&gt; 2.?IMBS1096
>>&gt; 3.?/???
>>&gt; 4.??IMBS1043
>>&gt; Thanks very much, anyone that can help. :-)
>>&gt; Paul
>Message sent using Hunter Point Online WebMail

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