Translation help :-) at
Thu Jun 30 11:20:18 EDT 2005

Yes Paul,
Hi again,
These are the old Shintoho Ama movies that are released on DVD in Japan.
There are a few other titles that aren't, the one that springs to mind is
the intriguing sounding Hitogui Ama/Cannibal Ama, which I guess is a lost
film. There's also a whole load of Nikkatsu ones.
Some list members here are aware that at the Kineclub conference I gave a
presentation on these films. I have a long list of titles that I will post
to this list, providing I get any sleep in the next few days... Just got off
a long and gruelling flight back from Tokyo.

All the best,


--------- Original Message --------
From: KineJapan at
To: KineJapan at <KineJapan at>
Subject: Re: Translation help :-)
Date: 30/06/05 04:36

> I hope you can read macrons....
> 1. Ama no bakemono yashiki
> 2. Ama no senritsu
> 3. Kaidan ama y«rei
> 4. Onna shinju  no fukush«
> Or with little hats...
> 1. Ama no bakemono yashiki
> 2. Ama no senritsu
> 3. Kaidan ama y»rei
> 4. Onna shinju ´ no fukush»
> I'll let somebody else complete 3 as I'm in a Taipei Mosburger (much
> cheaper than Tokyo, and leaking wireless from Mr Brown's Coffee next
> door) with no dictionary to hand...
> Stephen
> On Jun 30, 2005, at 1:05 AM, Paul Kraly wrote:
> &gt; I hope someone can read Japanese characters. I rec'd an email
> &gt; yesterday
> &gt; from Kinokuniya in San Fransisco about four movie titles I was
> &gt; interested in. Problem is, it's in Japanese. I don't need to know the
> &gt; English titles, but if someone can translate this into readable
> &gt; Japanese, I'd be pleased.
> &gt;
> &gt; 1. •€IMBS1040
> &gt; 2.€IMBS1096
> &gt; 3.Š/€Ž
> &gt; 4.€IMBS1043
> &gt;
> &gt; Thanks very much, anyone that can help. :-)
> &gt;
> &gt; Paul
> &gt;

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